Monday, 14 March 2011

Arjuna- The secret to a healthy heart

The traditional Ayurvedic description of Arjuna is a cooling, Kapha and Pitta pacifying herb, helpful in healing wounds, countering obesity and treating urinary disorders. A deciduous tree, extremely common in the Indian sub-continent, the bark of the Arjuna tree contains tannins and terpenoid saponins which help in lowering cholesterol and have a number of health benefits.
Also believed to be a natural liver tonic, Arjuna regulates cholesterol by decreasing LDL levels in the liver. Studies show that Arjuna is effective for a variety of heart related conditions like high blood pressure, heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat and high cholesterol. Researches attribute these benefits to certain tannins and glycosides that have specific antioxidant properties congenial for the cardiovascular system.

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